Notary Stars

Notary stars

Notary Stars

Notary Stars is a  3-teir membership directory site that notaries can get list on for more internet exposure for $10 listing fee, $30/MO + training and $60/MO for marketing training as well.  This is a very reasonable listing fee, especially for a new notary seeking learn from  a marketing expert like Ronnie Mickle.

As a database for those seeking to "find a notary" it is exctually quite extensive and useful as these are more reliable and trained notaries than in a typical directory.  They are actually planning to integrate the list, reviews certs & profiles with Notary Resume in the near future. 

If we were going to recommend a notary to get listed on only 2 directories, for growth, online exposure and showcasing your services/credentials they would be Notary Stars & Noble Legal Pros Multi-Services Directory. 

We, as a multi-faceted signing service, we don't use this platform! Or any, but we still we can help you find a skilled notary that is qualified to meet your specific needs! 

Because, we have the MOST extensive PRIVATE database of both signing agents, multi-services notaries and mobile notaries for EVERY occasion from photo-inspections to VIN/DMV assignments to fingerprints & weddings. You name, we can fill it! 

Call 1-877-540-6104 for a Quote!